Summary: Three friends, Eric, Neal and Julie, discover a secret doorway in Eric's basement that leads to rainbow stairs. The stairs reach down into the wondrous world of Droon; a land where all kinds of amazing things occur. A cast of magical characters appears to guide the kids on their journeys.
Recently Completed Books
Marcus: The Secrets of Droon: The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet, Tony Abbott, 80 pages, The Secrets of Droon: Journey to the Volcano Palace, Tony Abbott, 85 pages, George the Drummer Boy, N. Benchley, 61 pages, Otis Spofford, Beverly Cleary, 189 pagesLella: Birds Do the Strangest Things, Hornblow, 64 pages, How Not to Babysit Your Brother, Hapka and Titlebaum, 48 pages, Owl Moon, Jane Yolen, Lon Po Po, Ed Young, Cinderella, Marcia Brown
Both: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Robert O'Brien, 233 pages, One Grain of Rice, Demi, The Little Brown Jay, E. Clair, 22 pages, The Magic School Bus Gets Programmed, Scholastic, Once a Mouse, Marcia Brown, The Sisters Grimm: Magic and Other Misdemeaners, Michael Buckley, 304 pages